class Fishwife::HttpServer

Public Class Methods

new( options = {} ) click to toggle source

Create the server with specified options:


The interface to bind to (default: -> all)


The local port to bind to, for the first connection. Jetty picks if given port 0, and first connection port can be read on return from start. (default: 9292)


An array, or a string that will be split on '|', where each element is a connection URI String or a hash of parameters. See details below.


Minimum number of threads to keep in pool (default: 5)


Maximum threads to create in pool (default: 50)


Maximum idle time for a connection in milliseconds (default: 10_000)


Request log to file name or :stderr (default: nil, no log)


Maximum size of request body (i.e POST) to keep in memory before resorting to a temporary file (default: 256 KiB)


Path to where request body temporary files should be created (when request_body_ram is exceeded.) (default: Dir.tmpdir)


Maximum total size of a request body, after which the request will be rejected with status 413. This limit is provided to avoid pathologic resource exhaustion. (default: 8 MiB)

Options in connections

Each member of the connections array is either a hash with the following properties or an equivalent URI string:


Values 'tcp' or 'ssl'


The local interface to bind (default: top level host or


Port number or 0 to select an available port (default: top level port for first connection or 0)


See above


For ssl, the path to the (Java JKS) keystore


For ssl, the password to the keystore


If “true” (String) or true (TrueClass), use the socket bound to standard input. This can be used for inetd-style socket activation and hot deploy. It can be arranged via start_server (Requires rjack-jetty 9.3.7+; Default: false)

URI examples:

Calls superclass method
# File lib/fishwife/http_server.rb, line 86
def initialize( options = {} )

  @server = nil

  self.min_threads = 5
  self.max_threads = 50
  self.port = 9292

  options = Hash[ { |o| [ o[0].to_s.downcase.to_sym, o[1] ] } ]

  # Translate option values from possible Strings
  [ :port, :min_threads, :max_threads, :max_idle_time_ms,
    :request_body_ram, :request_body_max ].each do |k|
    v = options[k]
    options[k] = v.to_i if v

  v = options[ :request_log_file ]
  options[ :request_log_file ] = v.to_sym if v == 'stderr'

  v = options[ :connections ]
  options[ :connections ] = v.split('|') if v.is_a?( String )

  # Split out servlet options.
  @servlet_options = {}
  [ :request_body_ram, :request_body_tmpdir, :request_body_max ].each do |k|
    @servlet_options[k] = options.delete(k)

  # Apply remaining options as setters
  options.each do |k,v|
    setter = "#{k}=".to_sym
    send( setter, v ) if respond_to?( setter )

Public Instance Methods

join() click to toggle source

Join with started server so main thread doesn't exit.

# File lib/fishwife/http_server.rb, line 137
def join
  @server.join if @server
start( app ) click to toggle source

Start the server, given rack app to run

# File lib/fishwife/http_server.rb, line 124
def start( app )
  set_context_servlets( '/',
                        {'/*' =>, @servlet_options)} )

  @server = create
  # Recover the server port in case 0 was given.
  self.port = @server.connectors[0].local_port

stop() click to toggle source

Stop the server to allow graceful shutdown

# File lib/fishwife/http_server.rb, line 142
def stop
  @server.stop if @server