module SyncWrap::SystemD

Support module for the systemd service manager, PID 1

Public Instance Methods

dot_service( shortname ) click to toggle source

Expand given shortname to “shortname.service” as used for the systemd unit.

# File lib/syncwrap/systemd.rb, line 57
def dot_service( shortname )
  shortname + ".service"
systemctl( *args ) click to toggle source

Run systemd `systemctl` command with args via sudo. If the first arg is 'status', defer to systemctl_status. A trailing hash is interpreted as options and passed to sudo. Since systemctl returns non-zero for a variety of normal conditions, the :accept option can be passed to account for these, as well as :error => false.

# File lib/syncwrap/systemd.rb, line 28
def systemctl( *args )
  opts = args.last.is_a?( Hash ) && args.pop || {}
  if args.first == 'status'
    systemctl_status( *args, opts )
    sudo( "systemctl #{args.join ' '}", opts )
systemctl_status( *units ) click to toggle source

Run `systemctl status` via sudo, with special case stripping of whitespace from the end of line output via a sed filter. This is not an issue with an interactive terminal because output is piped to pager (less), apparently with '–chop-long-lines'.

A trailing hash is interpreted as options and passed to sudo. Since systemctl returns non-zero for a variety of normal conditions, the :accept option can be passed to account for these, as well as :error => false.

# File lib/syncwrap/systemd.rb, line 48
    def systemctl_status( *units )
      opts = units.last.is_a?( Hash ) && units.pop || {}
      sudo( "        systemctl status #{units.join ' '} | sed -E -e 's/\\s+$//'
", opts )

Protected Instance Methods

dist_service_via_systemctl( shortname, action ) click to toggle source

Provides SyncWrap::Distro#dist_service compatibility via systemctl. The argument order is swapped and shortname is passed through dot_service.

# File lib/syncwrap/systemd.rb, line 66
def dist_service_via_systemctl( shortname, action )
  systemctl( action, dot_service( shortname ) )