
The examples/ directory contains several independent sync-file examples. Normally you would just have one named the default “sync.rb” Use the syncwrap command -f <file> option to load each.

There is also an example Rakefile demonstrating basic rake integration.

The sub-directories private/ and sync/ are standard named and shared by multiple examples.

Common Project Layout

Here is what a complete end-user project setup might look like:

├── Gemfile
├── lib/
│   └── my_component.rb
├── .gitignore
├── private/
│   ├── aws.json
│   └── sec.pem
├── sync.rb
└── sync/
    ├── home/
    │   └── bob/
    │       └── .ssh/
    │           └── authorized_keys
    └── var/
        └── my_server/
            └── config.rb.erb

The aforementioned default named sync-file, containing roles, components, hosts, and possibly profiles.


The default named sync root containing a tree of static files and templates for pushing to hosts via SyncWrap::Component#rput. The sub-directory structure generally mimics the rput remote locations. See the rput.rb example for usage. The local sync root can contain overrides to the syncwrap gem provided files/directories as well as new files.


Default location for SyncWrap::Users provisioned developer home directories (for ssh authorized_keys at minimum).


Conventional location for daemon-component configuration or other deployed files and templates (*.erb). Note that with SyncWrap::RunUser at least, this maps by default to the remote /var/local/runr directory.


Place project-specific components here. Once these are non-trivial its nicer to `require_relative` them into the sync.rb. Its best to namespace these in your own module.


This directory is for sensitive files like credentials that shouldn't be checked in. The files shown are for a typical project using the SyncWrap::AmazonEC2 provider. See the ec2.rb example. Similarly you can use a sync/private/ for sensitive files/templates that will be deployed, and include this as the first sync_root in your sync.rb You'll have to externally arrange for sharing these files with other users. Assuming you will check this into a git repo (either its own, or for example, in a deploy/ directory of a larger project repo), its a good idea to add a .gitignore file containing the following at minimum:


…which ignores and avoids check-in by mistake of any so named sub-directory and its contents.


Include a bundler Gemfile for precise version control of all gems involved, including syncwrap.

Without the private/ directories and sync.rb file, and adjusting lib/ accordingly, you could also package this as a gem. This makes it easy to reuse components and files/templates across projects.